How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Havana on the Willamette

Portland's boy-toy mayor, Sam Adams, has diverted twenty million dollars from city sewer construction in order to help implement his grandiose bicycle nirvanna plans:  600 million tax dollars for bike trails, oh, boy.
First of all, if you or I took twenty dollars from an employer's office supplies fund and spent it on cigars, we'd likely get disciplined or fired, right?  If you used your employer's "p-card" to expense an evening at Darcelle's, you'd get reamed, and possibly fired, right?
So, why is it now OK to misuse money raised by sewer bonds and rate increases to pay for the mayor's pet projects?  Apparently Emperor Adams thinks he has no accountability to the people who, through taxes, fees, fines, and levies, support this city and PAY HIS SALARY.
"Oh, we saved the 20 million by getting lower construction costs." is his position.  And the reason that the 20 million couldn't be refunded to the ratepayers would be what, Mayor Adams?  Or should we say, Your Highness? 
Take a look at Portland's city streets and sidewalks, and ask yourself if funding "bicycle tour routes" is more neccessary than filling the ankle-deep potholes, removing cottonwood forests from cracked sidewalks,  or repairing the six-year old landslide on Taylors Ferry Road near the mortuary?  SIX YEARS, and still no repairs from "the City That Works."  But we got green bike "safety zones," now,  and twenty million dollars worth of  bike trails  from the City that Works for some, just not for the taxpayers.  Nice.

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