How Do You Spell "Thug?"

How Do You Spell "Thug?"

Monday, March 8, 2010

Washington's Dealings With EEvill Insurance Companies, Part MCMXVIII

I'll bet you didn't know that in the bowels of the current "compromise" bill for "Obamacare" there is a real gem hidden:  the Senate version provides 400 BILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS to healthcare insurance companies as tax subsidies!!   Four Hundred Billion Taxpayer Dollars to the EEvill insurance companies so reviled by our next former President in his every speech.  And that's the GOOD news!

The BAD news:  the House version of the "reform" bill provides, wait for it, (drumroll, Maestro, if you please):
Well, that  should surely drive your cost of Obamacare down!

Look, we don't advocate violence of any kind;  no, really, we don't.  But if you just stand there like a dumb sheep and let those Ponzi-scheming Plutocrats get away with this sheep-shearing scheme, and should they make this bill into law, well, let's just say that Guy Fawkes was a visionary.  And they won't admit to understanding anything less than armed rebellion.

This is America!  We operate on a free-market economy, not a government-run totalitarianism, at least, not yet.  But, give 'em an inch on this bill, KNOW what's next.

And the Patriots of 1776, 1812, 1864, 1917, 1941, and even 9/11/2001 will all have given up their lives for nothing!  NOTHING!

Call Wyden's local office.  Call Merkley's local office.  Call Schrader's local office.  Call Wu's...oh, never mind:  he's too busy learning to speak Klingon to care about your petty grievances.  But you get the idea.

As Phil Knight says: "Just Do It!"

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